Huge Electric Transmission Lines can Actually Increase Home Values

In light of ongoing controversies over the potential negative health effects of electric transmission lines, a new study published by The Appraisal Journal found that the biggest lines, 345 kV lines that rise 90 t0 200 meters above ground and feature either an H-frame support structure or single-poles, can increase the values of homes located nearby.

The reason has nothing to do health.  Potential homebuyers like the greenways that accompany some huge lines enough to raise home values about one percent.

“Property Value Impacts from Transmission Lines, Subtransmission Lines, and Substations,” by Ted Tatos, Mark Glick, Ph.D., JD, and Troy A. Lunt, MAI, found some homes are positively impacted by giant transmission lines that have greenways beneath while houses near smaller power lines are impacted negatively, apparently because of aesthetics rather than health concerns.

“Homes abutting 345 kV corridors often benefit from open space unavailable to other homes. For example, the corridor might include a greenway and path amenity.  Further, since no other homes can be built on the corridor, homes adjacent to the corridor may benefit from viewshed and less crowding,” the authors wrote.

Homes within 50 meters of smaller lines see a 5.1% decrease in value, and the impacr diminishes with distance from power lines.  At 50 to 100 meters, homes see a 2.9% decrease, while after 400 meters the effect drops below 1%, they found.

“Blockage of view may be one reason for this finding; the lines may actually be more noticeable by homes at a  medium distance rather than directly adjacent. Since mountain views are an important positive factor in determining home values in Salt Lake County, this negative effect is not surprising,” they wrote.  The study included a comprehensive data set compiled for the largest counties in Utah, specifically on Salt Lake County.

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