Letters: Public schools providing quality education

In regard to articles printed in your newspaper supporting charter schools over public ones, I find it disturbing that these writers are so naïve. They really haven’t done their research to find out the real facts that overall, public schools outperform charter schools as a whole group.

The reason being is that public schools for over 40 years have paid professionals that find the latest research available to help all students have the opportunity to be as successful as they want to be.

There are some really good, legitimate charter schools that are helping a selected number of students but most are not as successful because of a lack of accountability and unethical and unprofessional people not being held responsible.

It’s naïve for anyone to say one size fits all in the learning of our children because there are many factors that play a key role that educators have only a small or no control of, and that is the home environment.

We all know that many children do not get the proper rest, nutrition, a home environment where the encouragement, study habits, values, morals and love they should have, but public schools and taxpayers are providing free food, clothing, tutors, books, study materials, even dentistry and doctors to those in need so children will be able to perform at their best without obstacles.

After retiring this month after 40 years of teaching, I wouldn’t hesitate to enroll my child in the public school system again. But remember, it takes a village or at least a team to support and encourage your child to succeed, and that requires you as their parent to fulfill your part of the responsibility.

— Mark Lehman, Rancho Cucamonga

Taking some heat for the weather report

The Press-Enterprise reporting of the previous day’s temperatures in Hemet cause me to be skeptical of the accuracy of the whole report. On a recent day when my outside thermometer had shown a high in the afternoon of 99 degrees, the Press-Enterprise reported a high of 108.

If you consider these reports accurate, you should report exactly where the measurements were made and what the standards are for the equipment used.

Since these seeming inaccuracies are worst on sunny days, it seems that the thermometer used probably gets some direct sun sometime during the day.

— Chet Hartley, Hemet

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