On the Road: Does a disabled placard exempt you from a clean-air parking stall?

Q. Eve P. noted that in California, many businesses have specially designated parking spaces where clean air vehicles can park and charge their ride.

She asked if it’s legal for a driver with a valid disabled parking placard – but not a clean air vehicle – to park in the clean air spots if no disabled parking spaces are available.

A. There is no statewide law in the California Vehicle Code that directly answers this question; it depends on the city or county.

Under Vehicle Code section 22511, local governments may decide to tow vehicles that are parked in clean air slots – but aren’t utilizing the charging station.

In order for a vehicle to be towed, there must be a sign posted next to the space that says: “Unauthorized vehicles not connected for electric charging purposes will be towed away at owner’s expense.” The sign also has to say where the towed vehicle can be reclaimed.

When parked in a private parking lot or on private property, the property owner may also tow non-clean air vehicles if he or she has the proper permits and the proper signs are posted.

Q. Floyd Petersen of Loma Linda asked if it’s legal to enter an intersection on a yellow light.

A. Yes, it’s legal.

A yellow light means only that traffic facing the light is “warned” that a red light is coming. The only requirement is a motorist must pass the crosswalk or limit line at the intersection before the light turns red.

Per California Vehicle Code section 21452: “(a) A driver facing a steady circular yellow or yellow arrow signal is, by that signal, warned that the related green movement is ending or that a red indication will be shown immediately thereafter.”

Q. Michael and Beth Escarcega wonder about the 91 Freeway Arlington on-ramps and off-ramps. Caltrans re-did the lanes on the Arlington off-ramp, but didn’t seem to take truckers into account, they said.

A. Caltrans spokeswoman Terri Kasinga said striping is being redone to better accommodate trucks. The changes should be seen later this year or early in 2018, she said.

Do you commute to work in the Inland Empire? Spend a lot of time in your vehicle? Have questions about driving, freeways, toll roads or parking? If so, write or call On the Road and we’ll try to answer your questions. Please include your question or issue, name, city of residence, phone number and email address. Write ontheroad@pe.com or call 951-368-9670.

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