Woman doused with gasoline, threatened with being set afire in Corona domestic dispute

Police surrounded a home in Corona after a woman said her estranged husband had doused her with gasoline and threatened to set her on fire during a fight Saturday afternoon.

Officers were called at 4:20 p.m., first by a witness to the fight, which began outside the home, then by the woman reporting she had been covered with gasoline and was threatened by the man, officers said.

The woman was treated for minor injuries and the 56-year-old  man, first seen by officers inside the garage of the home in the 2000 block of Picadilly Way, appeared to pour gasoline on himself. He then went inside the home, the Corona Police Department said.

The home was surrounded by the department’s SWAT team, and the Corona Fire Department stood by while negotiation officers tried to reach the man.

At 10 p.m., after the man did not respond to negotiators, officers went inside the home and found the man dead inside from an apparent suicide, police said.

No fires were reported during the incident.

Police did not say specifically how the man died. The Riverside County Coroner was investigating the death.

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