Coronavirus vaccination efforts ramp up in Riverside County as key numbers improve

As Riverside County ramps up vaccination efforts, the three key metrics state officials use to track the risk of transmitting the novel coronavirus all improved from last week, data released Tuesday, Feb. 2, show.

Yet, even with successive week-over-week drops, the county’s adjusted case rate and positivity rate still lead the state, while its health equity metric, or positivity rate in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, ranks fourth.

As of Jan. 23, Riverside County had an adjusted case rate of 70.7, a positivity rate of 16.6% and a health equity metric of 18.5%.

The county’s latest adjusted case rate is half of what it was three weeks ago.

Neighboring San Bernardino County also continues to see week-over-week improvement in these three key figures.

To advance on the state’s color-coded tier system, a county needs two consecutive weeks of a seven-day adjusted case rate between four and seven daily new cases per 100,000 residents, a positivity rate between 5% and 8% and a health equity rate, or positivity rate in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, between 5.3% and 8%.

Meeting these benchmarks would move the county from the purple tier, meaning there is widespread risk of transmission, to the red, or substantial risk, tier.

Counties in the red tier can reopen more indoor businesses.

As of Tuesday, 184,257 vaccine doses had been administered in Riverside County, local health officials reported.

Also of note, the county had 954 COVID-19 hospital patients as of Monday, Feb. 1, another day-over-day decrease in hospitalizations. The last time the number of COVID-19 patients increased from one day to the next was Jan. 15.

Riverside County reported 80 new deaths Tuesday.

Here are the latest numbers, according to state and county public health officials.

Riverside County

Confirmed cases: 276,931 total, up 1,059 from Monday, averaging 1,440 reported per day in the past week

Deaths: 3,251 total, up 80 from Monday, averaging 40.1 reported per day in the past week

Hospital survey: 954 confirmed and 131 suspected patients hospitalized Monday, including 254 confirmed and 9 suspected patients in the ICU, with 21 of 21 facilities reporting. The number of confirmed patients is down 24.6% from a week earlier.

Tests: 2,221,399 total, up 8,731 from Monday, averaging 13,590 reported per day in the past week

Recovered cases: 218,650 total, up 3,773 from Monday, averaging 4,371 per day in the past week

Vaccinations: 204,375 doses received and 176,875 doses administered, as of Monday

Reopening plan tier: Purple (widespread risk level; many nonessential indoor business operations are closed) based on these metrics as of Tuesday:

    • New cases per day per 100,000 residents: 70.7
    • Case rate adjusted for testing volume: 62.3
    • Test positivity rate: 16.6% (18.5% in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods)
    • What’s next: To advance to the red tier and reopen more businesses, Riverside County would need an adjusted case rate of 7.0 or below and both positivity rates below 8.0% for two consecutive weeks.

To see a map and list of cases, deaths and per-capita rates by community, click here.

Here is a look at how the county’s numbers have changed each day:

Staff writer Nikie Johnson contributed to this report.

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